Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sexy Librarian

Sexy Librarian. August 31st, 2012.
I drew this today with my Intuos 5 in Photoshop!  I'm just starting to learn how to draw and paint with Photoshop using the stylus.  It's taken lots of practice, but I am getting it.  This is my first big project.  I spent about 5 hours drawing this rough out on 5 different layers.  I think I'll keep working it and see if I can get a full rendered painting out of it.  I'll post it again with color.  Fun stuff!

Updated 9-3-12.

I got lazy and decided all I wanted to do is flat shading.  So now it just looks like a cell painting.  After about 15 hours of work on this one... I just decided I was done.  So here it is.

Sexy Librarian Color. September 3rd 2012.

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